As a health care manager, you report to the department head of the Stevens District Hospital. The hospital leadership team is planning a reinvention and is

As a health care manager, you report to the department head of the Stevens District Hospital. The hospital leadership team is planning a reinvention and is asking for employee feedback for this business development. The first step of this reinvention is developing a clear vision and mission. You will evaluate the importance of a mission statement and vision statement for the strategic plan within a health care organization as you prepare your feedback for the task force. 


Review the Stevens District Hospital Strategic-Planning Scenario about a fictional, not-for-profit acute care hospital in Jefferson City. 

Review the following mission and vision statements:

  • Option 1: Mission: To improve health by providing high-quality care. Vision: Provide the highest level of service in the county.
  • Option 2: Mission: To improve health by providing high-quality care. Vision: Provide the broadest range of services in the county.
  • Option 3: Mission: To be deeply committed to the communities we serve; we enhance population health and well-being. Vision: Deliver an exceptional experience with every encounter.

Select the most appropriate mission and vision statement for the hospital from the list above and use the statements for this assessment. 

Assessment Deliverable

Write a 525- to 875-word proposal in which you: 

  • Recommend the mission and vision statements you selected for Stevens District Hospital from the 3 options above.
  • Evaluate the effect of choosing the best mission and vision on the strategic plan for an organization.
  • Explain your rationale for why you selected the mission and vision statements, including:
  • Specific strengths of the mission and vision statements you chose
  • Why the mission and vision statements are the best fit for Stevens District Hospital
  • How the mission and vision statements will drive the strategic plan for Stevens District Hospital in the future
  • Reasons the other 2 options of mission and vision statements are not the best fit for Stevens District Hospital

 Cite 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references to support your summary. 

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines. 

Submit your assignment.

Format at least 2 sources on the reference page (and any in-text citations) according to APA guidelines.

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