(SOLVED) Absolute contraindications for DPT or DTaP or TdaP vaccination include:

Discipline: Nursing

Type of Paper: Essay (any type)

Academic Level: Undergrad. (yrs 1-2)

Paper Format: APA

Pages: 1 Words: 260


Absolute contraindications for DPT or DTaP or TdaP vaccination include:

A. immediate anaphylactic reaction

B. persistent, inconsolable crying for 3 hours or more

C. encephalopathy within 7d of administration

D. choice A and B are correct

E. choice A and C are correct

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Step 1/2

This is a combination vaccine that protect against 3 diseases,
  • Diphtheria
  • Pertussis
  • Tetanus
The vaccine is usually given in a series of five doses to children under the age of 7, with the first dose given at 2 months of age and final dose given between 4 and 6 years of age.

Step 2/2

Answer to the question:.....